jeudi 29 décembre 2011

Impossible celebrity couples

Bonjour à tous ! 
I hope that you all get a nice and cosy little christmas. Santa has been a darling and brang me nice presents that night, what about under your tree ? 

Be sure that I'll show you my little gifts , but for now let's have a bit of fun with those impossible couples that I found on the net. I just post my favorites but there plenny of others. 

Brad pitt and Veronika Lake

Paul Newman and Scarlette Johansson

Humphrey Bogart and Halle Berry

Audrey Hepburn et Collin Farrell

Lauren Bacall, Johnny Depp and Marilyn Monroe

More pictures here. Have a lovely day, see you soon.

mercredi 21 décembre 2011

I want to be like Grace Kelly ...

As I told you, I'm back with some 50's french magasines. Most of them have Grace Kelly's new baby on the cover. 
Let's see what we can learn about sweet Caroline and her famous parents, Grace and Rainier.

Stars and pincurls

lundi 19 décembre 2011

Magazines !

As you may have found out ( here or here) I'm crazy about magazines. Last day I went to lucky as I found (in a paper bin ) some "Paris Match" and " Un Jour en France" from 1957 and 1958.

Since I can't take away the smile on my face. They are not in a very good condition but still, i'm keep on read them.

 Most of them are about the birth of Grace Kelly's child, so you already know what will be my next post ^^
A très vite, Charline

samedi 17 décembre 2011


To all of who asked me : " How do you look like when your hair are in rollers "

Stupid, but I know it 

mardi 13 décembre 2011


     Did you know?
"Cosmopolitan" was first published in 1886 in the USA. This the oldest cover I found, it's from May 1896.

There some other covers :

December 1929

January 1935

May 1937

November 1941

October 1945

November 1953

July 1955

vendredi 9 décembre 2011

Victory rolls and me

Bonjour le monde. Aujourd'hui, parlons cheveux. 
"LA" coiffure qui, pour moi cri le plus vintage est : La Victory Roll !

Victory roll and bang par Casey

Front roll chez Bright Young Twins

La belle Dita !

Je ne compte plus les heures passées à rouler mes cheveux, les attacher, les détacher, les "doucher" à la laque...
Mais c'est grâce à cet entrainement que j'arrive à me coiffer facilement aujourd'hui. ^^ 

 Voici ma coiffure du jour, inspirée par celle de Casey.

A très vite, Charline.