Today I want to try a new kind of post: Recipes !
I'm found of pastries and wish to become a baker soon. It's actually a friend of my whose gave me that idea of blogging about some of my "kitchen adventures".
Everybody loves chocolat, so let me start that new rubric with a:
"Chocolate Mi-cuit"
2 eggs / oeufs
40gr almond powder / poudre d'amande
30gr sugar / sucre
25gr butter / beurre
75gr (or more, ou plus ^^) chocolate / chocolat
Melt butter and chocolate in a "bain marie"
Mix eggs and sugar
Mix the chocolate with the sugar and eggs.
Put it in a mold ( cupcake mold are great for that)
Put them 15min in the frizzer (so the heart of it will be hard and take a longueur time to cook)
Then 15min at 200°
Faite fondre le beurre et le chocolat au "bain marie"
Mélangez oeufs et sucre ensembles.
Incorporez le chocolat au mélange sucre et oeufs
Mettez la préparation dans des moules ( les moule a cupcake sont parfait pour cela"
Les mettre 15min au congélateur ( le coeur des fondant durcit par le froid mettre donc plus longtemps à cuire)
Enfournez 15 min à 200°